GHU x Game Test 1.01 (Postponed)

We’re postponing! Watch this space!

Game Hub Umeå invites you to the second game test at eXpression Umeå. This is another opportunity to meet up, have a cup of coffee, play some of the games the community is working on and then proceed to mercilessly try to break them!

Our second batch of games to be tested are brought to us by the talented hands of:

  • Sejloy
  • Parrexion Games
  • Daniel Olofsson

The game testing will take place at eXpression (Östra Strandgatan 32, Konstnärligt Campus) and is entirely drop-in for the duration. However, as the building is locked you might need to message Stefan on Discord to be let in – drop a DM to Wardka#4023 (or to one of the developers) and we’ll get you set up with a cup of coffee and a controller ASAP. Use this door:

See you there!


14 December 2022


- 18:30


Game Hub Umeå invites you to try out and test some of the games made in the community! Coffee & games, what more can you ask for?


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